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PS3 is never going to win Japan or any other region, let's not get carried away here. The console however is showing that people want the games on the system and with the upcoming games for Japan and WW, I still expect the PS3 to outsell the 360 WW by the time all is said and done.

Wii will sell at least double what PS3 does WW is everything goes wrong from now on for the Wii and it's not going to happen. Very sad though but I have been around long enough to know quality =/= sales :(

MH3 will probably do a million with ease on the Wii but no where near 2 million, don't need my time machine to know that. The Japanese public is not mentally retarded, most MH fans know MH3 will make it to PSP soon enough so will wait for that version which will do 1 million week one. :O