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What I find interesting is the life expectancy between #1 (France) and #37 (US).

France: 80.98 Years
US: 78.11

All those taxes, and much better HC for 2 more years? Yeah, huge difference.

Methinks that America's healthcare problems aren't due to the lack of socalization, but lack of caring among the general populace to be healthy. We have a much higher obesity rate than France.

For example, our obesity rates are 3 times higher than France (30.6% vs. 93.%). Do you think a lack of socalized healthcare causes this? If not, then we're not in the same boat, as obesity causes all kinds of issues and woes for the HC system.

Reform the US system. Don't socialize it, because if that's done, then our system will become overburdened and totally ruined. It works in your countries because you have an overall better community of citizens that are more active in their own personal healthcare. If we have it, then a guy that is fit will be paying more out of pocket for Mr. fatty that prefers eating 3 BK Whoppers and leaving the health bill to someone else.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.