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@mrstickball - ouch, touche. It's true it's not an impressive opening but then few games are having impressive opennings right now the whole Japanese market is depressed - badly. And DS2 is no RE5. Plus with Wii hardware sales a fraction of what it was when DS launched it's not surprising DS2 is so much lower.

I'm not saying DS is selling good or will. I'm questioning why anyone is acting surprised that it didn't have some of the highest sales for the week. It's not exactly system selling software.

Wii is in trouble in Japan. Serious trouble. And 3rd parties have really struggled on Wii in Japan.

I'm expecting MHG and WSR to also underwhelm our expectations. Unless Nintendo adds some really inticing stuff into WSR that we havn't seen but I doubt it. But with those at least, it's fair to talk about how bad they did. Deca Sporta 2 was never the 'major title' analysts like to make it out to be in MHO.

While I'm on it. I don't think WM+ can help the Wii in Japan. Why? No games that the Japanese care about are making use of it. If MH3 was using WM+ then it might get attention. But golf, tennis and Red Steel won't help Wii in Japan and with only Wii Sports Resort using it, it's a one trick pony and won't get enough market saturation to entice it's use in other Japanese centric games.

@edjevink - Love your avatar btw. Bwaah!