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USA is a super capitalist state. America is a nasty dog eat dog nation its healthcare system is designed that if you are rich you live, if you are poor you die. It has been well documneted time and time again. USA ranked only 38th in the world for health care systems but is the richest country in the world. It makes you sick hearing about that.

The Michael Moore video showed us what the real American health care system was like. OMG I was totally shocked how bad the country is run: huge gap between haves and have nots. Michael showed us the different countries health care systems and how they were so much better than America.

Even with health care insurance which you pay through the nose for in USA, they will look at any loophole to knock you back from life saving treatment to save some money in the USA. Capitalism in USA is pure evil in the way companies callously pursue huge profits at all costs.

I would never ever want to visit USA let alone live there. Social welfare and health care systems in America are terrible. I can not go to America even on holiday due to my criminal record.

European nations lead the way in regards to having the best health care systems and are considered safer countries to live in.

Off-Topic - Most other countries have much lower crime rates and do not throw everyone in prison for little or no reason. USA holds 50% of the world's prison population yet accounts for less than 5% of the world's population.