HappySqurriel said:
Killzone and Killzone Liberation are both mid-70's games (meaning that their reviews are mostly clustered in the mid 70% range) which is typically a sign that a developer has talent but lacks the management or development process to really hit the next level. Now, I could be wrong but I suspect that one of the main reasons we haven't seen much about Killzone 2 (inspite of it being announced at E3 2005, or 2 full years ago) is that the development process/management problems are made worse by the larger budget/development team that is required for a PS3 game of this kind.
I'm gonna say this once agian. I trust gurilla. Like I said. They bit off more than they could chew for the original. And killzone: Liberation, was a great game. I love the gameplay. It's unique. Kinda like why some reviers bash the Wii. They dont like new stuff.
PSN ID: Kwaad
I fly this flag in victory!