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"Moral" authority does not stem from religion, particularly not christianity. That leads only to intolerance. Cold logic is the only thing one can count on, and as such, the current psycholoanalytic community does not say that being gay is bad or wrong. Pedophilia, or, more fittingly, child molestation, is wrong and illegal because of detrimental effects on children. Look at most any murderer, serial killer, or generally people who suffer from many different brands of psychosis, and oftentimes you will find child abuse in their past, sexual or physical. THAT is why pedophilia is looked down on. Just because you don't like the thought of gay sex and think it's wrong does not make you right, regardless of which "moral authority" you cite. And I did not say stealing was right, as that hurts people financially, and even then, there are shades of gray. For example, is it wrong to steal 10 dollars from a billionaire? If you have no money and need food?

Back on topic, if they want to get married, what does it matter to anyone else? If they want to have sex with each other, who cares? Just because it isn't "natural"? There have been gay people since the beginning of time. And it is already illegal to discriminate against anyone based on sexual orientation. The only reason homosexuality is looked down upon is because christians, with their massive superiority complex, decided about 1500 years ago that anything to do with carnal pleasure was sinful, and since man on man or woman on woman has no biological purpose as far as procreation, they deemed it wrong and sinful, even more wrong and sinful than having sex with a woman just for pleasure. Basing modern law and morals on a 2000 year old book is nothing short of illegal anyway.

Also, thinking that I must have no "morals" just because I think that people should have freedom of choice, expression, and religion does not make me a bad person. I don't kill people. Not because I think I'll go to hell if I do, but because I know that I wouldn't want anyone to kill me. I don't steal. Again, not out of fear of god/hell, but out of genuine empathy for other people. The ultimate good, to me, is doing good without thought of reward or punishment. Even a bad person can be made to do good under threats. That doesn't make him a good person.

And I never said anything about proper or improper methods of sex. Having sex with someone who has not yet reached the level of maturity, whatever their age, where they can intelligently make their own decisions is detrimental to them. And thus, to me, wrong. Anything two people want to do with each other is fine by me. It's not like they're forcing me to watch. They can do their pets for all I care, so long as it doesn't escalate to animal cruelty.