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I played it through and was distinctly underwhelmed, sadly. I waited a couple of months to get my hands on it, too, because I had to wait for my 360 to be repaired.
It's a good game, in my opinion, but definitely not one of the best games of this generation. The city was techinically impressive, but I didn't find it particularly immersive and the whole game just didn't amaze me in the same way GTAIII did.

One of the top two games of the gen? You'd be right about that judging by Metacritc, but your other best game would be Mario Galaxy, on that scale. Like someone else pointed out, Galaxy has been claimed to be over-rated, but in my opinion Galaxy is the best game of this generation so far. It's all very subjective, so just chill and enjoy whatever your best game of the generation happens to be.