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     Beer is delicious, Mario Kart is fun. They seem to go hand in hand. It enhances the experience, you can do it legally without getting a DUI, and it levels the playing field for all contenders.It is my opinion that beer is the best combonation with Mario Kart than anything else.

     Now before the flamewars begin I would just like to say to all the soda fanboys out there that I don't think that they suck, but as far as drinking it while playing any games it just doesn't seem to fit. I associate soda more with stuff like sky-diving(Mt. Dew), Ballet (Tab), or sitting in the retirement home watching Perry Mason talking about kids today and their stupid vroom-vroom vehicles and fancy cassette players(Coca-Cola). So if your opinion differs please feel free to debate me, but if you want to start flaming , just save your breath and go to the SDF site (Soda Defense Force)and discuss how soda is superior because the CPU is clearly unmatched (Calories Per Unit), or how it may not sell as many units as beer because soda is for the hardcore audience.

     So as for the few of you out there that say that Mario Kart is the best experience with water, all I have to say is, Water???, WATER!?!?!. C'mon water is so last gen technology. I mastered water when I was 5. Water is for the elitist Wii-Fitters who only care about being healty and living a long and prosperous life, psh, losers. You guys just go to your gyms and get ripped, and make real friends, and have real sex.........jerks.

     In conclusion if any of you think that this is fanboy banter for beer just remember that beer doesn't have fanboys, we have alcoholics.