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Hmm, last year this thing had the SO4 and TOV exclusivity and the TLR Timed-Exclusivity announcements, but those were all previously announced games in some form.

I doubt there will be anything involving FFXIII or FFvsXIII. There really is no point in releasing FFXIII on 360 in Japan, especially when you compare the sales of recent multiplatform releases there. Plus, if they did release it on 360, I imagine it would be after the PS3 release, reducing the impact even more. As for Versus, if that does see 360 release, I imagine it would be in NA/EU much like FFXIII, so why bother announcing this in Japan?

We won't be seeing KH3 any time soon for any platform, so let's just leave that alone.

So other then a new Mistwalker RPG, I'm a little miffed on what we might see. A possibility is End of Eternity, maybe Timed-Exclusive?