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akuma587 said:
Yeah...I don't really understand why some of them hated McCain so much. Did they really think a bible-thumping, hardcore Republican could have won in that kind of political climate? I thought what held McCain back was running what I would call a "traditional" Republican campaign. He conceded the economy and healthcare from the start and decided to focus on the military. He would at least have had more of a fighting chance if he wouldn't have looked like such an amateur on economic issues.

This is the way I look at it. During an election, you should not pander to your base once the primary is over. The base is so loyal to your party that they are going to vote for you anyways no matter how much they piss and moan. You risk a lot more by pandering to your base than not trying to reach out to independents, who ALWAYS decide the election. You can't win a national election just with votes from your own party.

I agere.  He should of went with his gut and went with Liberman as his running mate.  A lot of democrats demified him... but he still was a popular figure.

I mean hell he survived the anti-sematic attacks against him when Gore lost against Bush.   "Gore only lost because he had that jewish guy running with him" was a surprisingly common accusation.

Which is all the more ironic considering that just 8 years later a black man would be elected.

McCain went to far left in 2000... and he overcompensated by going to far right in 2008...

and it's not even that he went to far left in 2000... as it was a bunch of people though he had an illegitamite black baby.

How people couldn't see what the Bush presidency would be after that... i'll never know.