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Girl Gamer Elite said:
I haven't adopted a console this gen either (aside from the DS), I definitly leaning the most towards the Wii, in fact that's really the only one I have any interest in what-so-ever. I think the PS3 looks like its doomed in all respects and is just too expensive anyway (even the Wii is too expensive for me right now). And the 360, well, there's not any games I want for it and I hear they break alot, though I guess I would choose it over a PS3 since it probably has a chance to make something of itself. PSP looks fun but I wouldn't buy one, if someone gave it to me for free, I'd gladly take it but I'm not spending money on something that has been out this long and only has a few games.

So the order in which I'd choose this next gen is....

1. DS (already got it)
2. Wii
3. Xbox 360
4. PSP
5. PS3

 I think you're being a bit harsh on Sony's consoles, GGE; PS3 might seem a bit doomed at the moment, but things will surely pick up considerably next year and on. And as for PSP, it has loads and quality titles; the problem is that they're mostly racing/sports/shooting ones (that's the reason I slightly prefer my DS over it). And in case I haven't said so, welcome to the forum.