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theRepublic said:
The NFLPA is supposed to represent all NFL players, past and present. Current players are getting compensated for being in Madden through the NFLPA. Past players should have been too. That is why the NFLPA was sued and lost.

(This sounds eerily similar to the health care thing that the retired players have been complaining about.)

EA is now getting sued because they were basically the accomplice of the NFLPA. They tried to cover up the fact that they were using the info of retired players.

Suing Madden himself does seem like a stretch. I doubt he has any knowledge of what goes on with this game. If he knew about this, though...

As for your last paragraph, the NFL is highly competitive, so I have no clue what you are talking about. There are plenty of legends in the game. Joe Montana, Jim Brown, Emmitt Smith, Barry Sanders, Steve Young, Bart Starr, Roger Staubach, Dan Marino, and Jerry Rice just to name a few.


As for your last paragraph, the NFL is highly competitive, so I have no clue what you are talking about. There are plenty of legends in the game. Joe Montana, Jim Brown, Emmitt Smith, Barry Sanders, Steve Young, Bart Starr, Roger Staubach, Dan Marino, and Jerry Rice just to name a few.


Thank you...

And as it says at the beging of almost anything and everything in entertainment media: Likeness or living or dead are purely coincidental...It's longer but the point is that people make sure that this is stated and clear so they wont get sued.

As for the NFLPA OMG...they Screwed EA in this (EA would not have to pay the players Directly but the NFLPA would have to negotiate the compensation for them thus giving EA the right to omit any player if they would not want to pay more than a certain amount. Or simply pay a team a total sum or what not)..Madden might not be at fault himself since his contract would be separate...Like who goes on the cover get's paid separately .... though not sure that if they can prove he knew of the NFLPA actions and EA's if they can prove that then he cant get off the conspiracy hook...

SO Your Rant is something a 10 year old would say...