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As this post hits, Chris and I will be on the way down to LA, where SCEA will be allowing some media outlets a sneak peek at some of the games we’ll be showing at E3, including:

So, as we’re prone to do, we’d like to turn over our coverage plans to you, the reader. What questions should we ask the developers and producers of these games? Please jot them down in the comments area below, and we’ll report back like we did with God of War III recently.

The best questions will focus on gameplay, graphics, and other game-related topics, as opposed to logistics (like release date) which you’re going to find out anyway. Please, get creative with your questions!

In the meantime, here are the stories that caught our eye this week, please feel free to share your own.

Wonder when Sony are planning to release this game in NA and EU, it will be murdered if it's during the holiday season. Either way it is a terrible game having imported it, some of you are looking forward to Demon Souls though so might find this good news.