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I rarely pay attention to gaming articles until the GameCube era kicked in. But seriously, as someone already posted, it feels like the NES, SNES, N64 ect all over again with these articles popping up time and time again.

It seems that most of these articles(to the point of all of them), wants us to derail from Nintendo. While some are just amusing the the present moment of Nintendo, others just hack and slash on the company. It was ludicrous how Gamedaily compared the price tags of the wii($250) and ps3($200) almost to the point of maddness. I actually headed to to comfirm this and it's untrue. Made me laugh, though. I was thinking that they might have compared a used ps3(a ps2 probably) to a new wii just in stock...
I've seen newscasters try to stay objective unless the topic is too emotional, but these writers don't even put the effort to do so, again as someone else posted.

While they are contradicting one another, poking amusement towards the company as a whole, ect, they have one thing in common. The question of loyalty, toward Nintendo to the fans and vice versa(And they're poking at gamers who has weaker loyalty towards Nintendo). But somehow most, not all of them has missed the point that most 3rd party developers(even 2nd) take the easy way, port the games to wii and shoehorend(if I can use this term in a gesturely manner) the waggle control in every possible way imaginable(sounds kind of dirty though), instead of building the game from the ground up for the wii. Like the 1st party devs are doing since the last release of that epic Mario and Zelda game 'till now, I give props on the article that pointed this out, but forgot wich one. Nintendo did there part to cater the experienced gamers while also opening to the novice ones, keeping it balanced. Most 3rd parties that develop games for the wii on the other hand made a tipsy-turvy towards the novice and disregard that there are any experienced Nintendo gamers in existens, and maybe some of the many that wanted to try other games that's willing to try something that is not Nintendo's 1st party(EAD's comes to mind) made.

. . . I hope I made a sence of my own thoughts or myself for that matter. . . (*scratches head)


Smashchu2 said it write, almost in a nutshell!

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!