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Kantor said:

If the Microsoft-Bungie relationship is anything like Sony-Insomniac (they adore each other, basically), then I don't think we'll be seeing any multiplat Bungie games anytime soon. But we know that Insomniac will remain exclusive because they've done it of their own free will for years. What happens with Bungie remains to be seen.

I would buy Olah/Helo/Hale (lol like Nathan Hale) on the PS3, personally.

 So far all indications are that they will have a similar relationship. Letting go of Bungie at any price is a good way to engender some good will. Bungie has also shown little to no interest in other platforms for the immediate future, and Microsoft has first dibs on publishing. The two companies are in extremely similar situations from what I can see.

 Of course I wouldn't buy Olah or Richet and Clink for their respective systems. I have too much respect for the PS3 and 360! Or maybe its because I never bought Halo or Ratchet and Clank. One of the two definitely.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229