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Seriously guys I'm sick of talking about games on the Nintendo DS or Wii because I think we need another thread, link to an article about how Nintendo is doomed. 

Doomed you ask?  Sure there selling way more than the 360 or PS3 and making way more profit, but ignore that for a secound and lets talk about how doomed they are.


Sure I could talk about....oh hey I just finished what a fun game that was.  Anyone else think the sumo boss fight was easily one of the coolest things ever?  I mean dodging crashed helicopters only to push him into a pit of sawn off poles?  Awesome.


Now back to the doom, oh yeah I'm enjoying dragonball origins...I know theres a dragonball game thats good, surprised the hell out of me.  Despite the long cutscenes the gameplay really does the series justice.


Sorry off topic, I was about to get to doomed ....oh hey GTA China town Wars.  Wow what a good game.  I enjoyed this way more than GTA 4 especially the genius drug trade business.  Also the flamethrower was just so satisifing to use.


Ok seriously doom talk now....anyone play wario ware shake dimension?  I was turned off by it because of its so called short length but I'm on my second play through to find all the treasures.  Also had a lot of great platforming in it, surprised this was a retail game for such a stylised 2D game. 


So now on the doomed report, any DS games to recommend?  I recently ordered Rythmm Heaven, Crono Trigger, Castlevania order of eclesia and Henry Hatsworth.   Wondering anyone out there tried Lunar Knights being eyeing that for a while. 


This just in from Yahoo...I picked up battalion wars 2 on the Wii, surprise...its actually good like the gamecube game.  Got it with Boomblocks cheap at Target (will play later on after BW2.) 


Sorry got way off topic anyone care to add to the Doom project?