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I wasn't specifically attacking the torrent sites. Its a legal grey area in a lot of cases.

However a lot of the content is distributed from illegal sources that weren't ever paid for. And its not a simple case of I give you the file and now my file doesn't exist, both the sender and the receiver end up with the content. Which is not how the second hand market works.

Its a I'm going to make 100,000 copies of this piece of music that I may have paid for or may not have paid for. Even if they had bought the dvd or the cd they only paid for that one cd not for thousands that get copied and distributed.

Again its the decision of the content owner whether you can get it for free or not. Lots of artists have benefitted from torrent sites. Thats not the issue, if its their choice then fine. But if they don't wish it to be pirated then it is illegal.