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FaRmLaNd said:
Whilst the music and film industries have been slow to evolve, the reality is if you download their creative output without their permission you are stealing. They own the content not you.

Let´s assume you are right then this still has nothing to do with the piratbay they offer you a service of a tracket wich enables you to share what YOU want to share. If they were serious about stoppint his they would go after the uploaders and not PB and even more important they should go after the leaks in their own industry.

Piratebay does not upload material and does not make you download or upload, if they are guilty to this bizare trial then so are ISP because without them there would be no dowloading so they should bear equaal blame wich is just as insane as PB being quilty of infringing on movie,music,gaming rights.

By their defenition then all PC manufacturers are also complicit in this and so are the companies supplying electricity, with out theese enteties we would still only be able to buy cd´s from stores and they would continue to rip us off as well as the artists.

Hell by their logic if I used a laptop at macdonalds wifi and downloading something then MC is also complicit since I couldn´t download without their wifi offerings and where is the complaints about loosing money from second hand stores?

They complain about second hand sales but they are not suing them why?


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