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Slimebeast said:
vlad321 said:
Slimebeast said:
vaio said:
Slimebeast said:
vaio said:
Slimebeast said:
And BTW, so far Hollywood only lost money on TPB while the people behind TPB made millions in cash from advertising.

Hollywood has lost no money because of piratbay in fact there were evidence in the trial from Sweden biggest expert on this mutter that showed people actually bought more because of downloading, the difference was that bad songs/movies sold less but the good products sold more due to the fact that people saved money from buying inferior products and instead used the money gained to buy the worthy products and the study even showed that people who downloaded a movie before release actually went to the movies more the the average person if the movie was up to the standrd of the person in question.

And the last paragraph is true for me I have bought more games and moveis and even gone more to the cinema since I could download and screen away the shit I would hve bought, rented or went to the movies to see.

Talk about commie propaganda, I didn´t realize you were talking about your self spreding commie propaganda in the post above.

They make some money that doesn´t even cover expenses for the massive tracker and investors payment, why do you think they have had to ask people for donations when the equipment needed to be upgraded if they made millions?

I am sorry but you are so far off base on this and you aren´t even aware of it, you stupidly agree with the propaganda and gladly give your rights away.

To me you are one of the biggest disgraces as a Sweede and that is not an easy accomplishment.

Don´t cry when police come knocking on your door someday (assuming they will win in the future) just because you copied a song from your computer to your mp3 player without buying a second copy, thats the direction they want to go.

If you followed the debate at all you will have come acress the music industry loyers saying in more then one pressrelease that it´s pirating to copy a disc you bought into your computer as mp3 files or on to your mp3 player and they want you to be forced to buy the same disc/song for every device you want it in.

Why do you think the came up with DRM? that was the purpose so in the future you can´t do what you want with songs you bought.


"people actually bought more because of downloading" is just bullshit.

U think it's a coincidence that the revenue from music has halved in 10 years?

Just because there's a statistical correlation between filesharing and buying movie tickets it doesnt say it is a cause and effect relationship. You are laughable if you think that. Of course a filesharer - who oftend tend to be young males - tend to go to the movies in a much higher rate than the average Swede like old aunt Agda.


This was proven in the PB court, so ae you now sayig you know beter then the leading proffesor in this subject?

If so please show me your redentials and I am willing to consider switchin sides.

I am guessing you are a nobody just like me and pretend to know something you are cluless about and just go by the brainwashing of antipiratbyrån and MPAA.

Do your research and you will see the bulshit they do in our names and to protect their property.

Have you read about the english 65+ years couple being fined thousands of pounds for downloading a gay war movie about the WW2 (or 1 don´t remeber exacly) even though they weren´t gay or had a computer.

The same rights has now been given by our goverment to the same company that has done this in the UK and now they are going to do the same work here in Sweden. Thats what you get for believing the greedy frackers so don´t be suprised if you get fined for downloading something you never have since this has happened on more then one occasion in the UK.


I dont give a rats ass about a so called expert witness in courts. They're most often biased.

Common sense says that piracy decrease revenue from games, DVDs and CDs. And it's backed up by lower market sales statistics correlated with the explotion of broad band internet.

I can use myself and my friends as example, since pirates like to use themselves. It's just that I'm honest. I never buy any CDs or DVDs anymore after I got broad band, neither do my friends. Hell, in Sweden most young people think you are a fucking moron if you actually go and pay for CDs, DVDs or games. You're a damn hypocrite if u say u are unaware of that.



No, it doesn't Common Sense says that people are choosing different mediums of consumption over the old ones.

But why pay if you can get it for free?

You're just dishonest if u dont admit it.


Because it´s good and I want to support the developers of the stuff that is good, as I stated above I buy more now then before just by the simple fact that I can weed out the inferior products which saves me money to buy the ones deserving my money.


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