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Slimebeast said:
NJ5 said:
Slimebeast said:

"people actually bought more because of downloading" is just bullshit.

U think it's a coincidence that the revenue from music has halved in 10 years?

Just because there's a statistical correlation between filesharing and buying movie tickets it doesnt say it is a cause and effect relationship. You are laughable if you think that. Of course a filesharer - who oftend tend to be young males - tend to go to the movies in a much higher rate than the average Swede like old aunt Agda.


Is that revenue from all music sales, including download stores?

The rest of the music industry like CDs is dying simply because people want to download. It's an archaic distribution method that will die with or without piracy.

And frankly I couldn't care less about these businesses's revenue. They want to exploit the artists as much as they want to exploit everyone else with their badly conceived media rights (i.e. if a CD of mine gets ruined I can't buy a cheap replacement even though I have already paid for the media rights once).

Artists make most of their money from concert tickets and selling t-shirts anyway... Music sales' revenue goes almost exclusively to the bloodsuckers in the recording industry.


Yes, it's archaic. But the destruction of that business model isn't up to a bunch of pirates to decide. A democracy and legal just society don't work like that.

And weather the music industry is unfair and rotten has no significance. We can't have the street mob decide what is a legitimate way to earn money and what is not. That's commie thinking.


Thats why it´s called a media revolution and as usual they old foxes try to fight it so they can continue to exploit both you, me and the artists.

If you care about artists then go ask timbuktu and other big swedish artists on whoose side they are on.

Hell timbuktu even release a brand new single on PB first and it went to be one of his best selling singles ever even though it was free, you see if the product is good people will see to it and pay for it even if it is free and ofcourse there are people that won´t pay but my guess is that they wouldn´t have bought that stuff anyway and only DL it becaue it´s free.


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Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

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