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akuma587 said:

One of the reasons why people pirate stuff is because pirates typically provide (unless you are just downloading the utter shit out there) 1) better products, 2) with better selection, 3) with more convenience.

If you compare the selection of the largest private music trackers out there with even the selection of Itunes, you will be shocked at how much better the selection on an ILLEGAL website is than that of a LEGAL one.

The entertainment industry is just finally coming around and figuring this out. Kasz has it right that people do want to pay for things (although I think this is more motivated out of fear than altruism). But if you are PAYING for something, you should be getting BETTER service, not worse service. The paid services are still far inferior to the illegal ones out there.

It's not altruism.  It's that people are programmed to buy stuff.

I mean... how happy and proud were you the first time you bought something yourself with your own money?

When we pay money for something we attach a value to it... if we don't pay money for something... the value isn't really attached.  So you don't appreciate it as much.