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Just as a question, why can major news networks follow around a small group of ACORN paid protestors as they travel to AIG executive's houses in order to protest the bonuses without having the motivations of the networks, protestors or ACORN mentioned or questioned but it is a major problem when (often non-partisan) conservative commentators support a series of protests with entirely voluntary protestors you question their motives?

The fact is that there is a ton of people in the USA (and the world) who are upset with the number and scale of bailouts that have occured and the complete loss of fiscal restraint by their government, and it doesn't take much to motivate them to get out to protest. Certainly, Fox news and their commentators have exploited this situation to increase their profile and Repubilcan party members have tried to capatalize on the outrage ... but is this any different from the "Global Warming" or "G20" protests you see on TV all the time?