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I think it is safe to say that Dems are more than a little fed up with the republican administration and media.I don't remember exactly what happened when we lost the seat to Bush twice in a row, even though he lost the popular vote. However, I clearly remember not throwing a huge fuss about it. In fact we even gave up a recount in order to give Bush command asap for the good of the country. If you want to talk about the protests and the like, it was a large majority of the country participating, amalgamating in  near 70% dissapproval rating (needs source).

Now, recently on tax day, Fox news hosts and other figures such as Glen Beck hosted tea parties to protest wasteful spending and higher taxes. This is all well and good, but Fox news has been touting this as a grassroots campaign, an adjective not used by most other networks.

However, let's get down to the most interesting part of this thread. If you read nothing else, read the following:

The first tea party was to protest "taxation without representation".

Isn't it strange that protesters would use the tea party as a headline of their protest? If we look back to the original slogan of "taxation without representation", does it apply to the current situation at all? If this neo-tea party slogan were the same one, it would mean that people do not want to pay taxes to a goverment run by someone they didn't vote for.

This is bullshit. Grow up people. Patriotism is doing what is best for the country, not what is best for yourselves. In a democracy, the majority makes the decisions. If someone is voted into office whose views you disagree with, chances are they are going to make decisions that you will disagree with. That doesn't make the person voted into office a socialist or a tyrant. It just makes you shit outta luck for four years. Welcome to the USA. Better luck next time.

I understand that repubs are upset that they lost and what they need to understand is that nobody expects them to worship Obama. We do however expect them to act like adults. It's scary how conservative leaders like Rush desperately want this society to fail, just to justify the last 8 years of Bush, because it feels like there is a trend among all this.