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15 naznatips
18 Onna76

15 RolStoppable
15 VonShigsy(+)(+)
15 Dolla Dolla(+)

13 Bodhesatva
13 lolita
13 TheSource

12 DonWii

11 BenKenobi88
11 Fazz
11 Ishy
11 omgwtfbbq
11 rocketpig
11 superchunk
11 witeoutking

10 Astrodust
10 Final-Fan
10 john lucas
10 Lost tears of Kain
10 mancandy
10 Rath
10 super_etecoon
10 shams
10 stof
10 your mother

9 DarkNight_DS
9 mitsuhide
6 weezy(-) (-) (-)

8 ClaudeLv250

8 Erik Aston
5 fishyjoe

8 nintendo_fanboy
8 OriGin
8 tabsina

7 Dodece
7 tiachopvutru

5 ItsaMii
5 routsounmanman

3 roadkiller
3 SamuelIRSmith
2 albionus (-) (-) (-)


01. ckmlb
02. kber81
03. sony fanatic
04. Soriku
05. leo-j
06. Kwaad
07. gebx
08. Robmate
09. dtewi
10. The Living Shadow
11. dgm6780
12. ssj12
13. Ari_Gold
14. sieanr
15. mrstickball
16. Joeykanga
17. HappySqurriel
18. konnichiwa
19. ArtofAngels

Rules: Add 1 point (+) to a person, deduct 1 point (-) from 2 different persons.
Maximum votes: 3 times a day. (Note: You can also cast up to three votes at once.)
You can still nominate yourself (and only yourself); you start with 10 points
Copy and paste this list with your changes, and these rules, in each post.

I honestly hate being mean to ppl :) 

so the other minus goes to a random.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

