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That Guy said:

yay macs! I'm split between getting a mac mini or building my own box as a new computer. I like building my own boxes, but I think Vista = teh suck. Its probably time for me to finally free myself of the slave-dom that is Microsoft.


Why don't have both: Build your own box and free youself from MS-Slavery.

It is called Linux and it rules.

IMO MacOS is only something for ppl who don't wan't to know anything about computers. For Power Users it's really just annoying. Unless you are a UNIX-Guru.


My PC's:

1. Mac Mini (Power PC, faster model but still slower than a snail)

2. P4 2.66Ghz Sony Vaio Notebook (512Mb RAM, 20Gb HDD)

3. My "Workstation" - a 5 year old AMD Athlon 1.00 Ghz, 512Mb Ram, 320Gb HDD and an ATI Radeon 7000

So, nothing for gaming really...