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I always get upset with those shows on the history channel about Nazi Germany, and how if they did just these three or four things the war could have turned the other way or gone on longer. I understand why they do it people like what if scenarios, but the reality is the war went as far as it did based on the allied nations making a lot of boneheaded maneuvers early on that gave Nazi Germany as many opportunities as it got.

Such is the logic many posters are choosing to use. You cannot work off of a perfect scenario. One where everything goes perfect for one guy. Life is not like that at all. Even the Wii has failed to have a perfect scenario. Nintendo under appreciated the demand for their console. They could be at over twenty million units sold right now, and secured ownership of this generation. Sure it seems likely they will dominate, but its not a forgone conclusion like the perfect scenario.

You cannot just say if Sony does all these perfect things their console will explode in the current market. Especially given their track record over the last couple years. You have to be realistic about these things, and more to the point you need to curb your enthusiasms. Simply wanting something to happen is not a logical argument. Many of these arguments involve Sony eating five or even six billion dollars more in losses in six months time. You have to realize this is not a realistic expectation. Even Microsoft of Nintendo would shy away from those kinds of loses, and investors would revolt.

Sony is playing with fuzzy math, and has a fuzzy memory. Six months ago they missed shipment estimates by half a million units. Thats right they said the exact same thing they are saying now, and yet somehow they missed the mark. Their credibility is questionable on the shipment front alone. They almost said the exact same thing about sales verbatim. Obviously we know how that turned out at the time they had two million units unsold. Having sold only 3.5 million units compared to 5.5 millions shipped. Seriously how do you miss bench marks you set for yourself by that much. A true lesson in arrogance.

You know what is the most damning thing about such a statement. That it is totally based on self interest, and backed up by desperation. They are not going to say what they really think the situation will be. Any rational statement would be almost an admission of defeat. So they use fuzzy wording and fuzzy logic in an attempt to appear competitive. Seriously even the fuzzy statements sound bad. They are saying they expect to only be six months behind Microsoft in six months. I suppose they can also say they will only be seven months behind Nintendo in six months to.

Someone call the CDC foot in mouth disease is running rampant at Sony for going on ten months now. This is a serious outbreak if you believe in the perfect scenario one of the items on your list should be sudden midnight disappearances of loud egotistical Sony executives. They have probably cost Sony a few hundred thousand in sales so far.