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wow my eyes are bleeding after seeing all of that! IQ scores over 130 make you eligible for MENSA. IQ's under 80 make you mildly mentally retarded and eligible for the special olympics. IQ's under 60 qualify you for a mentally retarded classroom in school. (at least in Texas anyways.) one of the posters said only 4% of the population has an IQ over 130 and that is about right. 100 is the average but that varies on certain factors. if you are interested in this i suggest the book The Bell Curve. it was controversial, but interesting! It is just a compliation of IQ scores, but they break it down based on gender, race, etc.. I don't think the internet IQ scores are very accurate. Howard Garnder (Harvard) has a theory of mulitiple intelligences. He states that there are 11 different areas of intelligence and some of us are very strong in some and not others.(and some are weak in all areas) I think that is more in line with reality.