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Yay for required two year warranty in this country ^^

And it's as some people have said:

Sony and Nintendo fall within the acceptable range of 3% malfunctions, which means they have not had any significant problems with their machines. Of course, within those errors, some will occur more frequently than others.

With the xbox on the other hand: 1) MS confirmed (very late on) that there was a known problem with the 360 but they launched it anyway 2) retailers then admitted in 2007 that the failrate was near 30% 3) MS later confirmed that the failrate had now dropped, but didn't say what the number was then 4) They claim somewhere around "5 %".

Considering all that, if MS is telling the truth with that 5% then they fall outside of the accepted norm and need to rectify that situation for their own image and to keep their customers happy, especially with the backlash of the RROD still in mind.