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MikeB said:
I think some people intentionally miss the point and relevance of these comments.

In fact it is Microsoft who constantly attacks Sony for PS3 attach rates. IMO the stated facts in these comments should be viewed from this angle. Basically this is FUD killing.

Multi-platform titles perform relatively well on the PS3, per user people are buying more multi-platform games (at for the US and in many cases for simultaneous Japanese releases as well, it also seems to be the case for other regions).

The 360 had a 1 year headstart for Japan & North America, 1 year and 5 months for Europe. But compared to the same period last year, the PS3 today sold many millions more hardware than the 360 did.

Percentage wise the PS3 to 360 ratio has gotten slimmer very fast, of course the 360 with its headstart started out at 100%. Now its worldwide around 45% vs 55% installed base, with multi-platform games performing relatively better on the PS3 the interest to developers are closer.

The PS3 is thus hard to ignore for the bulk of 3rd party developers, hence the bulk of best selling non-Microsoft published games have all been ported to the PS3 as well. With a simultaneous release a successful high profile game like GTA IV this about doubles potential sales.

So much wrong....

MikeB, you are the one missing the point here.  This guy picked only a few of the VERY few games where the PS3 game sells even remotely close to the 360 version.  If we took all the multiplat games released in the last year, it would be painful to see the dominance of the 360 by nearly 2x in every game for the US.

Also, the PS3 sold more hardware given equal time frames, but at the same time it sold no where near as much software as the 360 did over that time frame.  Hmm... it's either the rediculous price Sony charged or the fact that many people bought them as Blu-Ray players, or people just don't buy games for their PS3s.