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kratos3390 said:
Uh why wasn't Top gun mentioned? You can't even land (withough the power glove that is)


 Who are you, Lucas from The Wizard? The Power Glove is so bad!


Anyway. I don't care for extremely tough games. As soon as I read that the game is very difficult in a review, that's one person who isn't buying that game. That's why I like games that have diffculty select. I don't need  to get pissed off playing a game. To hell with that. I do like a challenging game but not one that I have to play the same part over and over again. I don't have time for that. What am I going to do, quit my job?

As for the games on the list, everybody will have a different opinion on what's tough. I always hear people say that Contra is one of the hardest games ever but I had no problem beating it numerous times while just being an average gamer. Super Mario Brothers for the NES is considered fairly easy by most but yet I've never beaten it and eventually just gave up on it.

I'll come up with something better eventually...