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Shanobi said:

I'll just reiterate the point that blows the argument out of the water:

Every fps game on the Wii, minus Far Cry (a hugely buggy port), and possibly Medal of Honor: Vanguard (a crap port with no sales tracking here), have outsold both of Id's games on the HD systems.

The end.

Talking about Quake 4 and Enemy Territory? Those two ports (by Raven and Nerve) indeed sold poorly on 360 and PS3.

But that's cherrypicking: I'm sure that when at id they were deciding if it was worth it going multiplatform with Rage, they considered the sales of those two among the sales of all games of that genre on the HD consoles. They made their informed choice of trying this new - for them - market, and to not try on the Wii.

It might be that the "compelling case" that they lament is absent is a game selling enough to cover for the AAA, tech based project they think they can pull off on the PS3/360. If "The Conduit" sells great, or even if it only does ok but HVS has success in licensing its engine, it might be the case they wanted and on which to expand on a greater scale.


"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman