well it is good news for the PS3 for 1 reason they could really pitch a Price drop of the console to spike more intrest .Really the only negative press on the PS3 comes from the price.They Have games ready to drop when installed base increases so. I'd say a good price drop in summer with the release of a few games like Lair WarHawk GTAIV followed by another Drop for the Holiday with the release of Heavenly Sword and MGS4 they could severly cut the gap.really I think the loss in those areas (PS3 loss/unit sold)will be greatly balanced by Spider-man 3 this year and Sony games actually selling more.Imagine if the PS3 were 100 USD cheaper Resistance could easily have sold 3 million copies by now and Motorstorm at least another 2 million Those boosted game nubers alone would help balance the differential.So with a 14%return for investors the board maybe up for trying to claim more of the gaming market for the next gen this year since there is no Spider-man type film next year.