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Arius Dion said:
Come one dude. You know Third Party support for The Wii was lacking big time early on. Publishers of MANY TP's said as much. No one expected the Wii to be the success that it has become. The priority, resources and investments were given to the HD consoles, as a result alot of revenue has been bought in but profits have not been. Which is most companies have been posting losses and seeing alot of red.

What you seem to be saying is "TP's tried and failed on the Wii" What is funny though is I keep reading contrary arguments from the horses mouth, not just forum posters. Wii sold the most third party software in 08 despite not having the big name "AAA" products. You may want to disect that by claiming "Shovelware" but regardless that in and of itself is quite telling. Imagine the results when the efforts and quality software does become available.

I find the carrot that is always held over the Wii's head is pretty lame. As if ONE games sales proves something. If "Mature" games (M rated games) don't sell on The Wii, how do you explain RE4 (a 2yr old port) Red Steel (a flawed game) UC (On-rails shooter) W@W ( a game lacking many features compared to its HD counterpart) All going platinum+.

You make a compelling argument (not one I agree with) but a compelling one nonetheless. But I have to voice my disagreement if you are attempting to say that third parties gave Wii as fair a shake as 360 or PS3, that is just not true.

I'm not saying that all third party efforts failed. There are successful ones, even "mature" content games and especially smaller games. Put them all together and of course it might well be that the Wii sold most third party software.

And I'm not even saying that third parties overall put the same effort into developing for the Wii. I'm saying that they started on equal footing, and that if later they relaxed their efforts it must have been for practical reasons, certainly not because of astral conjunctions. The id boss explained a line of reasoning that is probably as much as valid for other third party developers that want to pursue big multiplatform projects: the Wii market for them is unproven territory because certain genres seem to sell much less on the Wii. Thus, that's a risk that they prefer not taking.

They might be wrong, and maybe Rage would sell 10M copies on the Wii, but it is _their_ evaluation and has an undeniable logic. If there were positive enough past cases their evaluation would surely be different.

Being over defensive and denying that developers have to consider the known preferences of the market, or affirming that they lack logic means letting affection cloud your judgement, which leads me to...


And I can't help but notice, that if you fix my fallacy with another example you still have the same argument, and you still aren't answering.


"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman