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20 Onna76
17 naznatips

15 RolStoppable

13 Dolla Dolla
13 TheSource
13 BenKenobi88
13 Bodhesatva
13 lolita

12 DonWii

11 Fazz
11 omgwtfbbq
11 superchunk
11 VonShigsy
11 witeoutking
11 shams

11 stof
11 Ishy (+)

10 Astrodust
10 Final-Fan
10 mitsuhide
10 Rath
10 rocketpig
10 your mother

9 DarkNight_DS
9 ItsaMii
9 john lucas
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 super_etecoon

8 albionus

8 nintendo_fanboy
8 OriGin
8 tabsina
8 tiachopvutru

7 SamuelIRSmith (-)
7 routsounmanman
7 ArtofAngels (+ +)
7 ClaudeLv250 (-)
7 Erik Aston (-)

6 fishyjoe

6 roadkiller ( - -)

5 Dodece

3 konnichiwa (-)
3 HappySqurriel

This is starting to get hard..and add wheezy!

"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"