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17 naznatips
17 Onna76

15 RolStoppable

13 Dolla Dolla
13 TheSource
13 BenKenobi88(- X2)

13 Bodhesatva(+)
13 lolita(+)
12 DonWii

11 Fazz
11 omgwtfbbq
11 superchunk
11 VonShigsy
11 witeoutking(+)
11 shams (-X2)
11 stof(-X2)


10 Astrodust
10 Final-Fan
10 Ishy
10 mitsuhide
10 Rath
10 rocketpig
10 your mother

9 DarkNight_DS
9 fishyjoe
9 ItsaMii
9 john lucas
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 super_etecoon

8 albionus
8 ClaudeLv250
8 Erik Aston
8 nintendo_fanboy
8 OriGin
8 roadkiller
8 SamuelIRSmith
8 tabsina
8 tiachopvutru

7 routsounmanman

6 HappySqurriel

5 ArtofAngels
5 Dodece

4 konnichiwa