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HappySqurriel said:

For me the question has never been "Did Sony always intend to release the PS3 with a Blu-Ray Drive?" it has always been "Was Sony doing the correct thing when they included the Blu-Ray Drive?" ...

Flash back 10 years and you see Nintendo with the ability to release the N64 with its memory cartridge, a CD drive or with a DVD drive (which was the new optical format at the time). Obviously the cartridge was the wrong format to choose for many reasons but Nintendo would have (potentially) been far worse off had they decided to use DVD as their format because it would have dramatically increased their system's cost with little benefit.


I think Sony were just looking at the historical precedent that was set in the previous generations. eg in the first 6 months of it's release the average PS2 game could fit on a CD (ie less than 700mb) yet in the year before the  PS3's launch the average PS2 game required a full single layer DVD (ie up to 4.5 GB). Now most PS2 games require a dual layer DVD. Sony have tried to future proof the PS3 by making sure it will never run out of storage capactiy.