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I don't even know why we bother replying to threads like this all the time. Its a constant back and forward battle between the two consols and all these times the disputes aint settled.

Sony is a year behind Microsoft with the PS3 but has managed to sell more in its two years release than what the Xbox360 sold in its first two years so Sony wins there.But Xbox fanboys ain't happy about this so they say total sales without the early release really only matters and sony looses because they should have put there consol out there earlier if they wanted a fair fight.

Its all rediculous.Any smart person can see Sony is selling the most and in economic times like this it still manages to stay very close to Xbox 360 sales.But alot of fanboys out there refuse to look at this and continue making threads about how the ps3 sucks and how microsoft has sold more.Which is very arrogant if you ask me