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1) Games that Require lots of buttons: why is this a problem? does the wii have more limited buttons than the 360 and ps3? yes AND no. if games basically require lots of buttons and motion sensitivity cannot be used as a replacment effectively, then there is always the classic controller. think about it, its just like a PS3 controller. (actually, its quite similar to a PS2 controller as well. in fact, now that i think about it, its not too far off from a PS1 controller. amazing) the classic controller has much more buttons, and has the same (if not more) buttons as the xbox and PS3, and it has 2 analogs, just like the others. only 1 game has been made compadible for the classic controller, and that is the DBZ game. (which BTW, if you use it i dont care how good you are, i can beat you using the wiimote. it works alot better than mashing the buttons at the right time) im expecting once the mad rush of low budget 3rd party developers get there piece of the pie, we will see many more games be compadible with the classic controller and wiimote, advancing the fact that the wii is both for hardcore and cassual gamers. (although using the wiimote is more hardcore than a standard controller. trust me, im the biggest loser here, that makes me a certified hardcore gamer, and i know whats up!)

 2) This is kinda just a game, but The Sims franchise. has any sim game done even decent on any console ever? i know the earlier ones did semi decent, but recently they have been horrible and none has ever done anywhere close to as well as the computer versions did. well, i strongly believe the wiimote pointer and the "My Sims" game comming out exclusivly for the wii will easily be the best selling Sim game for any console ever, and probably be the best selling sims game in the past few years. (there have only been suck console versions and small unheard of expansions for the computer) it also looks pretty cool.

3)Sports games. Someone asked if madden was really that great for the wii. the answer, YES! im the biggest madden whore youll ever meet, (trust me) and i must say it has revived madden. running controls take advantage of the controller, work great, and feel great and natural. throwing is good, and thanks to the new throwing with the wiimote scheme, choking in pressure situations is possible. which is the greatest thing ever. i cant tell you how great it felt to choke durring a madden game, something that has never happened to be before in over around 3500 games. (it adds em up in your profile, hehe)

other sports games like soccer. well, i think the best thing EA or whoever could do for soccer is simply not try and work the motion controls into the game. doing so in any way wont feel natural and willl really just be dumb. thats one thing games try to do too much RIGHT NOW (ie SSX) i feel (actually, KNOW) that after awhile companies will easily start to realize if the motion controls cant be worked in to feel NATURAL, then they simply shouldnt be worked in at all. (or only at small times) but hocker, be great to move the wiimote to shoot. it be the first time in any hockey game that you can control the speed you hit the puck at the goal. in real life games ive seen times where players purposly hit the puck lightly to throw the goalie off. (and work in alot of times) now with the wii, and ONLY with the wii, its possible. also steals and checks can be really cool and natural. to strip puck, wiimote forward. to check, both wiimote and nunchuk forward. (just like in madden) that will be real cool. in basketball there are a bunch of possibilities. i think dribbling with the wiimote while moving with the analog on the nunchuck should be an option, but i think having to dribble to be an ON/OFF option, cause although i think it be cool, for many it could instantly seem dumb, and for all it could become too repetative. (alhtough i really like the idea of it)

now the obvious: baseball and fighting games. how could it even compare on any other system besides the wii? baseball, well hitting obviously, which the wiimote can measure your height you swing the bat, your speed, you can bunt it you want to, all of it) pitching can be cool but they need to fine tune it from the wiisports version. fighting games, o GOD I CANT WAIT. i LOVE wii boxing. its great, works extremely well, and probably  the most entertaining boxing game ive ever played. boxing is really boring to me, just mashing buttons. but playing wii boxing against the computer or a friend takes out anger better than anything! 


sports games own on the wii.

A delayed game is good someday, a bad game is bad forever.