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Soriku said:
In BKO and TWEWY there's A LOT of variety in the attacks you can do, maybe the same goes for FF XIII. In TWEWY I grinded once (but even with grinding the boss still killed me fast so I had to retry in easy lol) but BKO I never did and just got lucky when I died so many times (one boss took me 8 hours of retrying to beat X_X Now I can beat it in 2-3 mins...)

It looks promising, there is apparently a large variety of actions that can be used, so much so that the demo's interface will actually be changed in the final product due to more action becoming availible and making what we're seeing on current screenshot looks clumsy and unwieldy. One of the great thing about Valkyria Chronicles (Which is my current favourite RPG this gen) was that level was less relevant than the correct tactic, the exact opposite of game like Disgaea. I'll accept certain amount of grinding but I'm hopping XIII will provide me with something more interesting and less tedious.