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MontanaHatchet said:
NinjaKido said:

How anybody is able to say for definete how varied a certain demographic is , is beyond me . It would take some pretty indepth statistical analysis to show exactly how diverse a console's demographic was in comparison to that of another console.

Game sales won't tell you how diverse a demographic is , marketing & promotion , pricing etc could convince a very similar demographic to buy a diverse range of games , games that don't neccaserily agree to their tastes.

Comparing game sales relevant to other consoles won't get you your answer partly because of the last answer , comparing PS3:Wii:360 is also innacurate because of the variance in userbase sizes.

Assuming that a demographic will become more diverse as it becomes large is similar to assuming that a city with 10 million people will have more gay people than a city with 1 million people , it may very well be the case that the number of gay people in the smaller city outnumber the gay people in the larger city 50:1 . We can't just look at things quantativley to reach any sort of serious conclusion , we need to know the qualitive factors and that requires data we don't have access to.

No, it really wouldn't. Common sense will show you that a console with a larger userbase will almost always have more varied demographics than a console with a lower one. This isn't always true (for example, I'm sure that the Gamecube userbase was more varied than the Xbox userbase), but for large userbase differences (PS2 vs. Xbox or Gamecube, DS vs. PSP), it's almost always true.

Your city analogy was terrible. It really was. The difference between a gay and straight person is not the same as the difference between a person who prefers action games to adventure games (not that I'm implying any connection). Cities have way more variety to them then consoles due to the fact that there are thousands of cities in the world in thousands of different locations with thousands of different cultures and customs. How in the world is this in any way similar to the three consoles? And as for your example, what is the likelihood of that? What you're referring to is density of a certain demographic. I don't even think I need to explain further why your analogy was bad. It just was.



I'll take factual data or consistent histroical data over " common sense" any day , and even historical data won't proove much use as the nature of gaming change slightly every generation , this generation probably more so than previous generations. You've already said that your common sense "assertion" isn't stricly true , if this is the case then how can you confidently say that it applies to this generation ?

Your arguing a point you can't proove , i'm not arguing a point other than a point can't be prooven without serious evidence.

My "gay city" analogy was a simiplified explanation of my point , probablity would indicate that a larger demographic would have a more diverse demographic but realsticly any number of situations are possible , that was my point.