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Been a while since I have created a thread... a long time I think :)



Last Thursday, I rented MadWorld out for a week ($15AU). I heard it was 'short', so I figured I would do this - and then if I really loved it, and hadn't had enough - I would buy it later.

First impressions were not good. Game switches to 576i (PAL) - urrgh. Doesn't bother me too much, and in some ways this can look better (higher vertical res) - but whatever.

The start of the game lacks polish. Interfaces, startup, title screen - all incredibly bland/empty, very much an after thought. Serious lack of options as well - I actually lol'd at the video "align your screen" option (does anyway use these anymore? The Wii system has one built-in - why bother?).

Now, get into the game. The graphics are very stylised - no question. But I also find them "ugly". I realise with this generic "B&W" scheme, the game could never actually "wow" me with graphics - ever.

Then I hear my Wii start to churn - seems that *all* the cutscenes are streamed from disk (maybe poly streams, or just the audio in the background) - my Wii is a 'little' old (almost launch), and it doesn't like streaming a lot.


The game managed to confuse me with the story - sort of realise later on what is happening, but firstly you get (cheap) storyboards telling you that part of a city has been cutoff... and next I'm thrust into this ultra-violent 'game'(?). Also has the usual conspiracy edge to it.

I start playing the tutorial/introduction. The controls are pretty good - its a simplified fighting game, with lots of environmental context options (pick up sign, etc). Its all pretty static, and 'fixed' though - you can't grab a sign when you are near it, only when in the right spot and "Press 'A'" shows up on the screen. Same goes for virtually everything in the game - I found this to be one of the biggest flaws, the game just isn't smart enough when it comes to your context in the world.

Next thing I realise: the game is violent. Not slightly violent, but *ultraviolent*. Its almost certainly the most violent game I have ever played, and I instantly realise I could never purchase this for my house (we have kids around all the time, etc). I could never play this with my wife around. It also 'glorifies' violence, which I think is the real problem (and is really the core concept of the game as well).

Anyway... I am enjoying myself (towards the end of the tutorial). Its *fun* to play - at least at this stage, and this is Madworld's saving grace. It has a number of negatives, but is ultimately a FUN game. (if it wasn't, it would be a real 'bin' title).

...then - the game hangs on me. Suspect it has something to do with a slow streaming load - but sloppy dev either way. Games *never* crash on my Wii. Unplug the power to the Wii, start up again... play through the demo again.


I played for 2-3hrs (maybe longer), and got to the 2nd city (level 4 or 5 - boss for Chinatown).

The game is getting very repetitive - and it comes down almost completely to trying to get "violent combos". It becomes a bit of a chore, with some of the game elements starting to distract. I found the camera a little close - making it hard to see people coming behind me. Turning quite rapidly turns the camera, almost too fast.

Also - because the ENTIRE game is in B&W (& red...) enemies struggle to stand out - nor can you easily differentiate which are which. In the end, it didn't matter too much - I treated most of them equally.

I also got lost a lot: a weapon or special would open up in a level, a cutscene would show me where it is - but I struggled to find it. A marker on the mini-map, or even an arrow or 3D marker would have been nice. There is a mini-map, with some markers on it - but sometimes this confused me more than anything else.


I could talk about the game in general - but there have been plenty of threads about MadWorld, what it is, how it plays, etc.

I just wanted to say that its not the mega-impressive title I was expecting. Its solid, its fun - but it also lacks polish (in places), it glorifies violence - and its technically flawed in places. Very much feels like it needs a sequel (maybe in colour this time..).

For me its a 6 or 6.5, and it deserves the sales it is getting at the moment. I won't be buying it, and I doubt I could recommend it to anyone I know.

Gesta Non Verba

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