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Warcraft II Top 100 for years over Kali

Starcraft Broodwar CAL American top 10, only 1 of 3 Terran players in top 100. Top 36 during the KBK Competition. (Sponsored)
(All starcraft gaming was done from Broodwar Release to patch 1.08, quit for WC3)

Warcraft 3 ROC top 20 from release to TFT (Sponsored)

Warcraft 3 TFT Top 10 FFA for a year, top 20 1v1 for a year

DOW Top 5 till first expansion (Partially Sponsored)

UT 1v1 Instagib Leader on provinggrounds and CAL (back and forth with a man named Snake) (recognized by Unreal)

Diablo 2 made me a bundle of money before ebay banned selling of online items, also before Diablo 2 was finally hacked.

I can go on and on, grats though on being good in a game you won't mention, most likely because its a piece of shit that is in the minority of competitive gaming. I also received DOW2 free to 'compete' and have been a part of the Starcraft 2 beta on and off.

Yep, go back to your noname game.

Next time you want to claim 20 years of online competitive gaming though, try to shorten the time so you don't sound like such a blaring liar.

Competitive online gaming in 1989, cool.

I understand you are one of those console fanboys, but a controller will never provide you the precision or accuracy of a mouse.

The Halo francise is the most overrated bland game to ever hit the console market. It provides a bad name to all FPS that even showed effort at creating an original entertaining plot.

I probably have more ps3 games than you :/