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CaseyDDR said:
slowmo said:
CaseyDDR said:
slowmo said:
CaseyDDR said:



I think you got who's suit looks like who's... Masterchief and the whole crew are the most generic group of cronnies to ever be mass produced.

Samus = original.

Masterchief = boring pre-ejaculate main character in 100 different games.

Comparing a masterpiece of gaming to Halo is crazy.


I'm afraid you lost the argument entirely if you're describing Metroid games as a masterpiece (or even KZ2 if I've got your meaning wrong).  Also I'm pretty sure Metroid didn't enter the FPS arena till one year after Halo was released so who is really copying who?

I can't think of one game that's copied Halo, especially halo 1. The graphics were horrid, and all it provided was a poor system with a half way decent game in comparison to the rest of it's library, which is why it blew up. All Xbox had was DOA3 and Halo. Metroid Prime (each version) is far superior to Halo (each version) in every way, including graphics.

I'd much rather have the original Xbox than a 360 for it's MAME abilities. Most everything the 360 has that's worth playing is multiplatformed anyways, whether it's on PS3 or if the 360 recieved its mediocre copy from the PC. Seriously, what defining experience has Halo offered compared to other major titles, even Gears of War? Halo's time is over, COD took that medal away in ALL aspects, and at least that game has some depth to it. At least Microsoft new to stop while they were ahead.



The xbox was by the far the superior console hardware wise last generation.

Fable 2, Gears Of War 2, Forza 2, Halo 3, Crackdown, Dead Rising, etc.  If you want to be in denial over the many fun 360 exclusives then fine, but don't paint such a cack picture if you haven't played them, also I'm willing to bet I game far more than you do on PC too.

If you don't know what Halo brought forward in terms of FPS innovation then perhaps you shouldn't comment on the game, it just shows your complete lack of knowledge on the matter you're discussing.  For the record, in my opinion both Halo 2 and 3 look better than the MP counterparts.  Halo 1 wasn't quite as nice but then again it was released an entire year before the first MP.



PC gaming is a pissing match you won' t win with me. Being a PC gamer first choice, that is why I have such disdane for how bad Halo is. FPS's ARENT MEANT FOR CONSOLE, and the only people that think so are the idiots who don't know how to run a computer or properly do 10 minutes of research on how to build one.  Halo was an embarrassment to FPS, as all PC gamers will tell you. You still have yet to try and prove to me the game actually provides depth and requires any thinking to play. At least with the PS3 allows you to keyboard/mouse some FPS games, HOW IT'S MEANT TO BE.


As for DClKeeL, how exactly am I a fanboy when I'm not so much defending the PS3 as I'm pointing out why a certain game is so stale and bad? Nobody has yet to even try to tell me what halo has done except you're one NEW statement about "dawning an era", which I won't argue with. It's hilarious though how people seem to think you need 1000$'s of $$$ to play the newest games at high resolutions and good visuals. Proof you shouldn't talk about PCs when you are talking out of your ass. As for your comparison of a Honda Accord vs a Ferrari, not even close. That accord will roll on the first corner it tries to follow the Ferrari, learn a thing or two about vehicles also before you talk.


Your 'precious' consoles limit gaming so much its ridiculous.


My squad held top spot on the clanbase ladder in our chosen game for over a year and we won the developers own tournament, how about stating your PC gaming achievements?  This isn't a pissing contest as you state because its over already, I've been a PC gamer for 20 years and have played every single major FPS in that time alongside many other genres I love.  I've built more PC's than you've had Birthdays, Christmases and any other special days you want to add in there for each year of your life.  I've played FPS games at a professional level and only time stops me doing so anymore.

Show me one professional critical review that slates Halo as much as you do and I might take your point seriously. 

Things Halo did to innovate (not exclusively but in one game):

Dual wielding weapons

Limit of 2 primary weapons instead of the old 1-9 selection on classic PC FPS games

Coop campaign on one console

The regenrating health and shield system

4 player multiplayer action which can be combined with other consoles via system link

There will be other examples people can add too, but thats a start, it really did lay the foundations that many console FPS games follow today.  You claim to not be a fanboy then come out with such a ridiculous statement as FPS are meant to be played on a keyboard and mouse.  Sure there is more precision with that control method but for a majority of gamers in the world they just don't enjoy using the K&M combo.  Having FPS games designed with a controller in mind too has expanded the genre to even more people and hence opens up more potential sales. 

I assume you must be a pretty lousy FPS gamer if you cannot use a controller in FPs games, especially given reflexes and hand eye coordination are key skills. 

If you want to go head to head with me on PC knowledge then knock yourself out, I know you'll lose.  It's not just my job, it's my hobby.