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The Top 10 selling games on a console don't show a console's diversity in its userbase. All it really demonstrates is which genres were most popular at the time or which companies were marketing their games the best. Let me show you the top 10 best selling PS2 games by genre:

3 Sandbox

4 Racing

1 Shooter (assuming Metal Gear Solid 2 is a shooter)

2 RPGs

That's less diverse than the top 10s of the HD consoles, so as you can see, it doesn't mean a damn thing. The main reason that people say that the PS3 audience is diversified is because it's a continuation of the PS2 userbase, which was very diversified. Now I'm sure that there are more PS2 owners who bought a Wii or 360, but the vast majority of people who bought PS3s were likely PS2 owners. Just look at how well some series do because they grew big on the Sony brandname. Tomb Raider: Underworld sold better on the PS3, even in America (which is a real rarity). Resident Evil 5 sold better on the PS3 (also a strong Sony series), along with Devil May Cry, Pro Evo, and Fifa. Hell, Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit sold much better on the PS3 than the 360 just because the past Dragonball games were so popular on the PS2.

And some people need to stop making threads to whine about what a couple fanboys said. I quickly lose respect for people who do that.