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It has a very diverse demographic for example, If you like FPS games you go Xbox 360 no questions asked it owns the genre like your daddy owns you. KZ2 just happened to be the bastard child of the xbox 360 (*it was never meant for ps3*)

If however you are like me and like different games such as GOW3 , Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, RandC, Mgs4, Little Big Planet, Kz2, Valkyria Chronicles and in essence diversify. I have only one FPS game bet you have 2?
I never like to buy the same type of game twice which is why im in constant lookout for different stuff.

and SONY DELIVERS DIFFERENT TYPES OF GAMES TO ITS CUSTOMERS. If all it did was promote Uncharted and MGS4 all day long for 4 freaking years both would see sales as epic as halo.

Microsoft has nothing but Halo

Interview with Microsoft

question: So Microsoft 2007 you gave us Halo 3 and Gears of War, 2008 you gave us Gears of War 2 what do you have in store for us in 2009.

Microsoft: ummm errrr ummm errrr more Halo but this time its really different.......

Question: How can it possibly be different from the other 3.

Microsoft: errrmmm you have a new character which you cant see and the same guns you had in Halo 3.....ummmm...... hurray for Halo wait ODST.

sorry Microsoft just needs to diversify. lol it has other good games like mass effect and Fable. but it dick sucks halo like fuck