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dcIKeeL said:
ur was a platform defined by this great variety but news...the ps2 days are over...some of these arent viable ips and although sony still boasts a considerably healthy diversity in it's library the quality of these games is waning...and 360 and wii have just as diverse if not more(as is the case with 360)IMO

Halo 3, gears 1 and 2, left for dead, mass effect, bioshock(until recently) fable 2, pgr, oblivion, tales of vesperia, star ocean 4, halo wars, lego indiana jones, fallout (dl content) banjo kazooie: nuts and bolts, DDR, call of juarez, lips, infinite undiscovery, the lost planet franchise


Way to list tons of games that AREN'T exclusive. As for being a fanboy, thats odd considering I just recently bought my PS3 after getting rid of a boring 360. Everything I personally liked was already on a far superior system, THE PC. Most the games you are trying to list are either sad excuses for the genre, or actually PORTED to the 360. Bioshock (since release fyi), Oblivion, LEFT FOR DEAD, FALLOUT, and Lost Planet are all superior on the PC. Lost Planet isn't even that good of a game. Banjo Kazooie is way past it's prime and is horrible now, halo wars is just like Halo, an embarrassment to it's genre. RTS/FPS should be kept to PC, PERIOD.

Also, DDR for console? Seriously, are you THAT sad to even attempt to list that? If you play DDR and are in anyway half way competant at it, you play at the arcade and the arcade only. Shoot, most ppl don't even play it anymore because it's so boring and easy now. The only fanboyism going on is yourself trollin in the Sony forums.

The Halo francise is the most overrated bland game to ever hit the console market. It provides a bad name to all FPS that even showed effort at creating an original entertaining plot.

I probably have more ps3 games than you :/