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At OP: I sure as hell hope not.

On their own, Uncharted and KZ2 are fantastic games, and would be a welcome addition to any companies games library.

But when you pit them against Gears (which has a fun and diverse multiplayer, something uncharted doesn't have) and Halo 3 (a much more expanded multiplayer, with currently much better support), you'll find that game wise and sales wise, it'll be Gears and Halo 3 that pulls them in, and keeps them longer. (judging by sales and longevity).

BUT also take into account that Uncharted doesn't have multiplayer and KZ2's only been out for 2 months, but I believe even if we judged them on the same day for all the games, Gears and Halo will come out on top (in terms of sales, hours clocked in the game, importance to company etc).

As for which one is more fun? I personally prefer the 360 pair, but that's a subjective call and I can easily see how a person could go for either pair.