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slowmo said:
CaseyDDR said:
Gears is pretty ok, it reminds me to much of UT though in 3rd person, well... basically because that's what it is, but Halo is just an embarrassment to every FPS. So basic, no depth, bad story, horriblely stale enviroment etc.


I'm guessing you've finished neither game, in fact I'd also guess you've not played them for more than 5 minutes if at all.  Gears has very little in common with UT except the engine and Halo 3 could never be described as an embarrassment even with its story flaws IMO.  You're entitled to your opinion of course though.

In answer to the OP, nope they're aimed at different demographics as CGI pointed out.

Way to be ignorant, I've probably been playing FPS since you were born, and I prefered 3rd person view in UT GOTY as it was much more accurate to me for the modes I played (Instagib LMS and DM). FPS on Consoles are disgraceful enough until recently. They should have stayed on computers.

And yes, I've finished all 3 halos with friends just because they loved it. I've played quite a bit online also, its horrible. NO DEPTH.

Gears is a much better game, and really did a great job with the whole TPS, just wasn't my particular cup of tea, hence my opinion.


The Halo francise is the most overrated bland game to ever hit the console market. It provides a bad name to all FPS that even showed effort at creating an original entertaining plot.

I probably have more ps3 games than you :/