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forevercloud3000 said:
Are you truly trying to say that people think of Gran Turismo when they think of Playstation? Yup, that's what I'm saying. It may be Sony's best selling 1st party title but it is not what defines the playstation. Actually it is. Defining titles get to be defining titles by selling copies of the game. If no one buys it then there is no one to call it a defining ttle. When I hear people talking about Playstation their is a viariety of titles they boast about. Of course they do. I bet they boast about many titles, and that doesn't make them all defining. I bet some PS3 owners boast about Madden. It doesn't make it defining. When I think of popular titles on the XBOX, what comes to mind? Who cares? You don't own a 360 and you seem to despise it. No one would think of you as a source of information regarding the console. Halo and Gears, Fable never even passes my mind until someone brings it up. If someone is bringing Fable up to you, that would fall under "defining" with the definition you gave me. Go ahead and check. Same goes for Nintendo and Mario. They have become synonymous with one another. Wii branded games have now become synonymous too with Wii. Frankly I don't even know why you're fighting me on this one. 80 million in sales across four Wii branded games is pretty telling to how defining it is for the Wii.

You are seriously delusional to think otherwise. That's just the alcohol. I'm usually fairly undelusional. Any self respecting gamer will tell you the same thing. Find me one other than yourself. Preferably a multi-console owner.

And you refute it as if it is being explained in this thread as a bad thing. No one is saying it is or isn't. Yet you find the need to bring about arguments that previously never existed. You brought the argument into existence. I merely replied to you with a rebuttal.

And it was obviously not a dodge tactic for I still answered to your reply in the same post. You answered very little of what I originally wrote to you. I was just stating an observation of your primal need to find some kind of underlining fanboy rant in everything I post when their isn't one. Are you serious? I give honest???, unbiased??? opinions and you always try to put me on the chopping block because of it. You've got to be fucking kidding with that last bit. If so then bravo. You are the new RolStoppable. Find me somebody on this site that thinks you're unbiased that is also familiar with your posting history. You can even make it a PS3 owner. Please poll this site for the answer, becuase I'd like to see the results.



Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.