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forevercloud3000 said:
Are you truly trying to say that people think of Gran Turismo when they think of Playstation? It may be Sony's best selling 1st party title but it is not what defines the playstation. When I hear people talking about Playstation their is a viariety of titles they boast about. When Ithink of popular titles on the XBOX, what comes to mind? Halo and Gears, Fable never even passes my mind until someone brings it up. Same goes for Nintendo and Mario. They have become synonymous with one another.

So when Sony pops up in another person's mind, do you seriously expect them to remember every game that makes Sony's gaming brand what it is?

I think you're just refusing to ackowledge that the 360's success isn't relying heavily on the Halo series like the Xbox1 did. Onyx made a perfectly good point - he made a list of great games on the 360 yet you still end up trying to counter it, simply because Halo/Gears are the first things that come to your mind when you think of the Xbox. Besides, it shouldn't be surprising that Halo 3 is still going strong. It's got tons of ways to play with friends.

Quality games with a good amount of social features often end up having a long lifespan.

PSN: Parasitic_Link